Tips and techniques for private tutoring

Giving private lessons is not an easy task. A good private tutor takes each private lesson as a new challenge, preparing the content of his class in detail, adapting the methodology to the needs of the new student...

In addition, whatever your reason for becoming a private tutor, whether it is a vocation or a temporary need while you find a job as a tutor, the task of finding students for your private lessons may be an impossible mission.

1.Before you start teaching you should post a free ad on our website..

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2. Advertise yourself in the correct category.
Choose the subjects you teach correctly. For example, if you are able to give English and revision lessons in general, we recommend that you post two free ads, one advertising in the English category, where you should describe how you teach English, the levels, etc., and another ad in the Remedial category. Thus you will reach many more potential students.
Another important factor you should know when teaching is to decide whether your lessons will be: face-to-face (at your home or you will go to the student's home) or you will give them online (by webcam for example). In Findtutors, we allow you to publish both types of lessons you offer, in order to allow future students to make a better choice.

3. Profilinizin eksiksiz olduğundan emin olun.
Specify the hourly price you charge for lesson (If you are unsure how much you should charge for your lessons, take a look at the Average prices for private lessons) , the areas where you can give your lessons, the different levels, etc.
In addition, students tend to prefer tutors who they trust the most, so they often choose private tutors who have positive recommendations from current or former students. In Findtutors, we simplify this task and we offer you the possibility of asking your current or former students to rate you from your personal area, achieving your first stars.

Once you have got your first student to teach...

1. Arrange a first meeting with the student.
A first contact with your student will help you to get to know them, to analyse their needs deeply, and to prepare for your first private lesson.
And it is also very positive, as your students (or their parents if they are children) will see it as an act of responsibility.
If you teach online, you may be interested in a solution such as Classgap, an online platform where you can teach securely over the internet, as it offers video, whiteboard, document editing and even screen sharing.

2. Analyse the curriculum taught at their school or institute.
Remember that you are teaching revision lessons, so you must adjust the content of your lessons to the curriculum taught by their tutors at the school.
Customising your lessons is the key to ensuring that your students understand the concepts and learn quickly.

3. Plan the lessons.
Before the lesson, plan the content, the objectives that should be achieved at the end of it, think about whether you will need any specific exercises or additional material while teaching.
If the topic you want to teach is very extensive: divide it into small blocks, to make it easier for your students to understand and comprehend.
In any case, a good private tutor must know how to adapt to the needs of the moment and therefore must have the resources to modify the lesson quickly if it is detected that the student needs it.

4. Ask your students what they think of your private lessons..
You may feel that the student is making good progress with your help, but don't forget to ask both the student and their parents (if it is a child).
Once again, we remind you that you can use our rating system, which will allow your students to share their experience in your lessons.

You can also use our private tutoring search engine and tutor vacancies and contact the advertisers..

We hope you found these tips useful.

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